The Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club


Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, except June and November, when it is only on the 2nd Friday. There are no regular meetings held in December. Meeting location is at the Roanoke Valley American Red Cross, 352 Church Avenue, Roanoke, VA.

The Club repeaters are open to all amateur radio operators on 2 meters (146.985 MHz -600KHz offset) and 70 centimeters (442.500 MHz +5MHz offset – currently off the air). Both repeaters use full CTCSS with a PL tone of 107.2.

RVARC provides supporting communications for numerous public service events and supports local school clubs at William Byrd Middle School (K4WBM), and William Byrd High School.